Monday 9 August 2010

A trip down memory lane.

Not necessarily my personal memory lane, but the memory lane of my relatives, because today I come fresh from viewing Who Do You Think You Are? and I always watch it wondering where my bloodline falls in the tapestry of history. I could hardly say I've come from a prosperous background, but neither would I class my family as working class, which by process of elimination, supposedly puts my family in middle class. Middle class, however, is a very loose term these days, I often hear it used to describe families and situations that I would say were upper class. So I guess that leaves my family in limbo, but this uncertainty of where we fit now, makes where we used fit even more important in my eyes, to see whether my family has gradually worked it's way up in society or whether my ancestry lies in Kings and Queens. It's a shame those genealogy sites cost so bloody much.


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