Monday 23 August 2010

A relaxed apprehension.

Tomorrow brings the results of my GCSE examinations and I am strangely relaxed, so much in fact that I'm worried about my state of mind. Currently I have come up with three reasons for my lack of nerves:

1. My mind is being kind to me and keeping me calm until I need to panic, like tomorrow morning, or when I open a failure certificate.
2. My mind has realised that I already have the results I need for my courses in college and therefore theres no risk of me losing a place.
3. My subconcious is being a silly muggins, and being overly confident and thinking I'll have done fine.

Safe to say, I hope it's not number three, because we all know pride comes before a fall. Well all will be revealed tomorrow, come what may.

In other news, I came home from my holiday on Saturday to a letter, which told me I had been successful in my application for an £150 "High Flyer" scholarship, which means I now won't have to dig into my saving to buy all the books, calculators and lab coats I'll need this coming year. Yippee!



  1. How do you get the high flyer scholarship?

  2. well at new college, if you were predicted more than 6 As or A*s then you could apply for it, and then you had to write about your favourite subject and why you thought you deserved the grant :)
