Sunday 8 August 2010

A few puzzles here and there.

Well today has offered many an exercise for my mind, after conversing with Keira about Professor Layton, I decided to truly finish it off and complete the entire set of puzzles, which I did this afternoon. Then, because I adore the games so much, I looked up the release date of the next one, which is in October, conveniently near to my birthday! It was during my search for the date that I found that the designers had based the games on the concept of Sherlock Holmes. Now whilst playing the game earlier I had commented to myself how like Sherlock Professor Layton is, but it hadn't occurred to me how strong the influence was, which deepened the disappointment in myself for being so blind, especially in the likeness of the supporting characters.

This leads me onto my next puzzling encounter of sorts, the final Sherlock episode, which was utterly amazing, I was a little disappointed last week because I couldn't spot any reference to the books, so I'd begun to wonder if the production team were just picking and choosing certain stories, but this week? References galore! I could go through all of them, but then that wouldn't make a very interesting blog now would it? It is, however, relatively safe to say that a good third of the programme was spent bouncing slightly in an excited manner because I recognised a little throwback to the stories. Plus the ending, which was left on a cliffhanger, just reinforced my hopes all strongly in favour of another series, which if the BBC don't take up, then they severely misjudge what the viewing public wants.


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