Sunday 29 August 2010

A soppy post about life in general.

You may believe I'm about to reel off some of the cliched beauties of life, but in fact this shall be more of an admiration of what nature has concocted. Starting off with nature itself, I struggle to wrap my head around how perfect life is really, in the scientific sense. For example, we have evolved from a few cells here and there into a cornucopia of species that have mastered land, sea and air. Then us complex animals, which in turn are made up of trillions of cells, each of those has a destined purpose, from the ordinary to the bizarre.

Arguably the most complex of all animals, ourselves the humans, have then go on to create a vast array of cultures, each with its own style of theatre, cooking, social rules, style of dress, music, a huge variety of languages, religion. The idea that nature has created something really so awe-inspiring in itself and then that awe-inspiring thing has in turn created its own legacy is really mind blowing.

Then there is the strong possibility that there is similar circumstances elsewhere in the universe. That such wondrous things are not merely coincidence and one off really is astonishing, in fact if you told someone, were the evidence for it not constantly surrounding us, they wouldn't believe it.

To think I thought of all this whilst brushing my teeth.


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