Tuesday 24 August 2010

A quiet sigh of relief.

So my results were pretty good, I was by no means the worst, nor was I the best, but I got what I had been predicted. And now, for your enjoyment I shall list my results here:

A*- GCSE Mathematics, Geography, BCS, Chemistry, Physics
A- GCSE English, English Literature, German, Drama, Biology
C- GCSE Applied Science

AS Maths- Core 1, B; Core 2, C; Statistics, C

Admittedly, I was a little disappointed with the C's (not the applied science, however, that was forced upon us with 6 weeks or so to complete a heap of coursework and revise, just so we would satisfy our science teacher) as it now means I shall have to retake the Statstics module to up my grade. However the others by far make up for it, and I am very content with my haul. I am also very content with the £100 spending money it has earned from my parents!

Now I'm off to go numb some of those brain cells with the Big Brother final- yes, I know I'm an awful person for watching it, but in the meantime why not list your own results in the comments, you clever, clever people?



  1. My reward form my parents was a scratchcard.

    I lost.

  2. My reward from my parents was nothing...
