Wednesday 28 July 2010

A week of Austen, Christie and Conan Doyle.

Last week, I paid a visit to the local library, which I hadn't been to for a good half a decade. In the end I chose from, what was in my opinion, a very inadequate collection of Agatha Chiristie novels, An Appointment with Death- one of the few titles my mum does not own; The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Pride and Prejudice.

The last two I picked up on a mere whim, but a whim I am now extremely glad I acted on. Sherlock Holmes is as equally marvellous to my beloved Poirot, and my opinion of him improved only further with the new BBC drama Sherlock, which was so bloody brilliant, I'd recommend it to my cat, if only she understood, and the fact that the actor who plays him is extremely handsome is a point that as a teenage girl I obviously care very little for.

Pride and Prejudice is miles away from my usual choice of crime novels, and I was hesitant as I had before tried to read Wuthering Heights but had confused myself by the first page, and I worried the same might apply to this book. However I found myself quickly submerged, and took just over two days to complete. As you can tell, I have a social life which is rich and fruitful, and keeps me nothing but busy.

While this first post is anything but spectacular, it is a first post, and for the sake of all our sanity, I shall endeavor to improve.


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