Sunday 12 September 2010

A second strong opinion in a week.

Yes it's almost a national disaster, two strong opinions in a week, although they both stem from the America vs Islam debate. Yesterday commemorated 9 years since 9/11 and I can still remember exactly how I found out about it, however the memorial this year was marred by the protests for and against the proposed mosque in the World Trade Centre memorial.

I can see where those who are against the building are coming from, out of all proposed ideas for building usage, why was a mosque selected? The protesters have nothing against mosques really, but the idea of having a constant reminder of reason these extremists took so many lives is unbearable and others believe that allowing the mosque to be built shows weakness against Al-Qaeda.

However, I am again on the side of tolerance, maybe this wouldn't be the case if I was a New Yorker, or if I had been there that day, but the way I see it thousands of people die of cancer each year but I doubt a single relative of a victim would protest against a new cancer care unit of a lab to work towards new treatments, and while the circumstances aren't exactly the same, I think the mosque should be viewed as a healing patch, where both sides can learn tolerance of each other, and work together in harmony finally for once.


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