Thursday 30 September 2010

A thousand apologies, and the clutches of a cosy chair.

Yes I have not blogged in an age, so big sorries to everyone who logged on regularly to be disappointed. But then I guess this is college life, without exaggerating, I'm so tired nowadays after college I just flop onto some comfy surface at the end of the day and gaze blankly at the wall. It certainly doesn't help I've caught freshers flu either, well freshers cold, though that's nearing its end now.

Anyways, thanks to the grand total of 4 readers who voted in my poll, the majority of which voted for a weekly blog, which I'll now endeavour to keep up, I hoping it'll maybe fill the gaping lonely hole in my life, as college means I barely see anyone for longer than half an hour, and now people find my hugs awkward because I hold on too long purely for the human contact.

Remember ages ago I had the crazy idea of applying to Cambridge, well now I'm at college, the pressure to do well now is mounting, because after saying it, even though it isn't a final decision, people remember, and if you don't get the grades, then frankly you look like you've fallen short and I'd hate that. So, that is this weeks poll topic, what is your opinion on the whole Cambridge idea?


Thursday 16 September 2010

A sad and unfortunate news-filled post today.

I have come to the terrible conclusion that I simply, no longer have the time to do daily blog posts, as I'm doing the equivalent of 5 subjects, which is 25 hours a week, as well as the regular homework I get on top of that. But, I'd hate to do anything without consulting my small but lovely group of readers, so I've come up with a few options for everyone to choose from and vote for in the next poll:

1. Once Weekly posts; meaning you'll get one big dose at least once a week.

2. Whenever is possible; this is a little less predictable, but you'll get more of my obvious wit and charm and in smaller chunks.

3. Whenever I have a point to make; quite frankly if you've grown bored of incessant rambling about what shade of brown my toast was and you'd rather I saved myself up for moments of importance.

4. Your own personal option, leave me a comment on my post about what you think I should do.

Please with sugar lumps on top, vote, because, I'd actually like to know your opinions on my blog, even if you think I'm an awful blogger.


Monday 13 September 2010

A happy and content little girl.

I am very content with my life at the present time. Seriously, despite the days at college actually being much longer than they ever were at school, they are a lot more satisfying and I feel like I'm settling in now. I hope you are all enjoying your college years so far, but I'll keep it extremely short today, because if there's one thing I know is annoying, it is a smug mug blabbing about how perfect their life is. By the by, add your humourous college experiences in the comment and there are also only two days left in the poll to the right.


Sunday 12 September 2010

A second strong opinion in a week.

Yes it's almost a national disaster, two strong opinions in a week, although they both stem from the America vs Islam debate. Yesterday commemorated 9 years since 9/11 and I can still remember exactly how I found out about it, however the memorial this year was marred by the protests for and against the proposed mosque in the World Trade Centre memorial.

I can see where those who are against the building are coming from, out of all proposed ideas for building usage, why was a mosque selected? The protesters have nothing against mosques really, but the idea of having a constant reminder of reason these extremists took so many lives is unbearable and others believe that allowing the mosque to be built shows weakness against Al-Qaeda.

However, I am again on the side of tolerance, maybe this wouldn't be the case if I was a New Yorker, or if I had been there that day, but the way I see it thousands of people die of cancer each year but I doubt a single relative of a victim would protest against a new cancer care unit of a lab to work towards new treatments, and while the circumstances aren't exactly the same, I think the mosque should be viewed as a healing patch, where both sides can learn tolerance of each other, and work together in harmony finally for once.


Friday 10 September 2010

A hard worked girl.

The second half of this week has been shattering, I'm not quite sure why, it's probably an adjustment thing, but it's a shock to the system certainly. On top of this, I've got homework assignments from pretty much all my subjects, but fingers crossed, I shall stay organised these following months.

However, taking inspiration from the catchphrase, work hard, play hard, tomorrow is my unofficial day off and I shall be heading to a youth festival set up by the local council with all my lovely friends, and I'm really looking forward to it, because I've never been before. If you're going, you'll have to find me somewhere in the crowd!


Thursday 9 September 2010

A uneventful yet exciting first day.

Today was the first proper day at college, and despite an obscene amount of maths lessons and the sudden loss of any decent break in my timetable, it wasn't too bad, particularly the chemistry lesson I had earlier, where I found an old primary school friend and a new friend too.

The homework slog has begun too, and though I promise myself to keep on top of it, I wonder how much longer it'll last before I get lazy again! Keeping it short today, because I'm struggling to keep the eyelids open after 3 and a half hours of maths.


Wednesday 8 September 2010

A world full of hateful people.

I woke up today to an awful news story. It wasn't breaking news, and it wasn't a humanitarian disaster. No instead a small Christian church in Florida have decided that the best way to commemorate 9/11 is to have an organised Koran burning. Yes indeed, these "Christian" people have decided that to protest against the Islamic extremists they need to desecrate the texts of an entire religion. Reading further into the article, I am saddened further in that earlier this year an opinion poll found that over half of Americans view Islam unfavourably. Just take a moment to consider that, half the population of one of the largest and most influential nations, has a bias against a religion that shares many values with all the other religions of the world.

It just baffles me that anyone could possibly think this is the right thing to do, or that Islam is evil. People seem to just associate the atrocities that a few extremists have committed with millions of innocent and good willed Muslims across the world. Do they not understand that this is effectively extremist Christianity and they are adding more reasons for the extremists everywhere to attack again?

I'm just wondering now, if I am naive in thinking that this probably wouldn't happen in England? Yes we have our own extremists here in Britain, for example the BNP or UKIP, but do you remember the reception Nick Griffin got on Newsnight? Can you remember the very low numbers they got in the general election? I don't know know what you think, but the British people seem to generally like sticking two fingers up to ridiculous people like that, don't they?

Tell you what, interactive poll time, tell me if you think Britain is generally more accepting than America on the form to the right.


Tuesday 7 September 2010

A lovely day out with my friends.

To celebrate our last day of freedom (well for most of us!) I invited a selection of friends round to just spend some time together, and we had a fabulous afternoon just talking with each other really. It was really nice to see friends that don't necessarily spend a lot of time together get on as if they did. We didn't do much, but it was a nice way to end the summer, just sitting and appreciating each other. I love them all and I'm not quite sure what I'd do without them.


Monday 6 September 2010

A worst enemy to nobody but myself.

I seem to be bent on making myself unhappy and unsatisfied, by watching a different Pride and Prejudice version but nonetheless Pride and Prejudice. So once again I torture myself by flaunting the perfect fairytale under my nose, despite the knowledge that such a love is impossible in my lifetime. What a foolish girl I am.


Sunday 5 September 2010

A very apologetic blog.

First things first, my apologies to all of those who were worried about the blog this weekend, I arrived home late from my Nan's yesterday and technology failed me on the Friday.

Anyways, I had a rather happily disappointing first day, as I had predicted before, I didn't make vast quantities of new friends, mainly because everytime a conversation started between new friends, out tutor would set us onto a new activity, however everyone I caught a few words with were all lovely, so hopefully nobody hates me just yet.

I made up for it afterwards however by socialising with the tried and tested friends who can always be relied on, and together we went for a coffee and then spent the rest of our afternoon on a large basket swing picking out shapes in the clouds, because you know what? We're not adults yet.


Thursday 2 September 2010

A delightful mixture of emotions.

Tomorrow shall be my first day at college, ever. Despite knowing that everyone else shall be in the same position as myself, I can't help but think that they all look a lot more confident than I do and my God, I'm nervous. I don't know whether to turn up a little early or not and I distinctly remember my interviewer all those months ago, saying that the staff had celebrated that year because 20% of timetables were right, which means I've 80% of being caught up in some humiliating timetable mix up. But at the same time I'm excited, I've an opportunity to meet new friends and connections, a lot more freedom than we ever had at school, and if I'm lucky, like some of my Cirencester counterparts have been, I'll get a really nice timetable, it's what most of us have been waiting for since Christmas.

Good luck, to those whose induction college days are tomorrow,


Wednesday 1 September 2010

A change in weather and a change in heart.

I've been looking forward to going to college for a while, I felt I needed a change from the monotonous laze that has been my holidays. Then today, the weather was nice, and it is now one of those evenings that you never want to end, where the sun shines right until the very end of the day. Now, despite me having done nothing amazing with my summer, I don't want it to end. Maybe the fear of something new has kicked in or maybe I just don't want to work again, but I have to and I'm sure college will be just as wondrous as we thought it would be. At least that's what I hope...
