Well this half term means I've got the chance to blog properly, so expect great things in the following paragraphs!
Firstly, if anyone can tell me where this sudden burst of epic motivation that has accosted me came from? I am doing 2 A4 revision posters per day, and they weren't set as homework, so I'm doing all the set homework on top of it. Yes, that's right folks, I'm doing work for the sheer fun of it, well it isn't really fun, but I'm motivated to get the results I want and I figured extra work would help. Now this comes from the girl who last year would tell little white lies to her teachers when she just couldn't be bothered to do the work, and who didn't really revise properly for her exams. It certainly begs the question: "Who am I? And what have I done with the real me?"
The Tim Minchin obsession continues on, with the excitement building as December approaches, and as many of you have already seen, I even entered a trailer competition, and those who haven't, can view my appalling efforts in the little section to the right of this blog. Another obsession of sorts has also taken hold this half term, due to a best friend's mother allowing me to borrow their DVD collection of Smallville, which now adds the superhero/comic notch to my nerdy bedpost.
Now, for those who worry about my sanity, the endless Smallville episodes and revision posters were interjected with an equally geeky activity, but with other people this Tuesday. Ghost meringues and It's-not-Easter-but-who-gives-a-damn? Chocolate bran flake nests, were the delectable delights on offer when I went round a friends for a bit of baking. While I never saw the results of our meringues (who knew whipped egg whites took 2 hours to cook?!) I can verify that the blasphemous bran flake nest were delicious.
Smallville doesn't count. Read the real comics. :)