Thursday 28 October 2010

A chance to really unwind.

Well this half term means I've got the chance to blog properly, so expect great things in the following paragraphs!

Firstly, if anyone can tell me where this sudden burst of epic motivation that has accosted me came from? I am doing 2 A4 revision posters per day, and they weren't set as homework, so I'm doing all the set homework on top of it. Yes, that's right folks, I'm doing work for the sheer fun of it, well it isn't really fun, but I'm motivated to get the results I want and I figured extra work would help. Now this comes from the girl who last year would tell little white lies to her teachers when she just couldn't be bothered to do the work, and who didn't really revise properly for her exams. It certainly begs the question: "Who am I? And what have I done with the real me?"

The Tim Minchin obsession continues on, with the excitement building as December approaches, and as many of you have already seen, I even entered a trailer competition, and those who haven't, can view my appalling efforts in the little section to the right of this blog. Another obsession of sorts has also taken hold this half term, due to a best friend's mother allowing me to borrow their DVD collection of Smallville, which now adds the superhero/comic notch to my nerdy bedpost.

Now, for those who worry about my sanity, the endless Smallville episodes and revision posters were interjected with an equally geeky activity, but with other people this Tuesday. Ghost meringues and It's-not-Easter-but-who-gives-a-damn? Chocolate bran flake nests, were the delectable delights on offer when I went round a friends for a bit of baking. While I never saw the results of our meringues (who knew whipped egg whites took 2 hours to cook?!) I can verify that the blasphemous bran flake nest were delicious.


Thursday 21 October 2010

A beautiful and amazing world of circumstance and chance.

You are very lucky. I am very lucky. We've all effectively won the lottery several times over. Our existence in this world was pure chance. Not in an informing-you-your-parents-think-you-were-an-accident way, but the very chance that the chromosomes in the two gametes split with our sequence of genes in them is infinitesimal. Then the chance that those particular two gametes will meet is even smaller than that. We are pure marvels of chance.

I'm going to let you think about that for this week, because some people don't think that they're special, but they really are. Them being here is proof of that.


Thursday 14 October 2010

A obsessive and tiring week and some fun.

So another week, another blog, more homework and less sleep. College is truly beginning to take it's toll, and the looming half term will offer a deserved respite for us all I think.

This week has also seen me gradually evolve into a Minchin Maniac, with me signing up to the fan site and signing up for more tickets. We all have our vices don't we, and I think Twilight is a fabulous example of how normal I really am in comparison.

Not much else has happened this week, but tomorrow I have the day off, apart from a 15 minute tutor meeting, which means yippee for me, I have a lie in the morning. This weekend is also the weekend myself and my best friend are catering at a wedding, which should be very interesting, though I am particularly worried that I shall drop the plates all over the place.

Another of my good friends has also made up a spoof of my blog, which I was secretly very flattered about! It sounded just how Stephen Fry should narrate my life. Read it here:

Sorry, I've not much to offer intellectually, I think college has sucked it all out of me. Here's hoping I'll improve by next week.


Thursday 7 October 2010

A braggart and an annoucement to underwhelm you all.

However first things first, thanks for everyone who voted in the poll this past week, it was much appreciated, even though I know some of you didn't put what I was hoping to hear, it's kept me very much with my feet on the ground, it's going to be a hard task and it is most definitely not set in stone at all. And just in case you were worried I was getting carried away, I do have a plan B, and its a plan B that I'm totally into too, so I shan't be disappointed.

On with what the title suggests, I have some bragging to do, because my best friend and I, in December, are going to see... Tim Minchin!!! Now for those who don't know Tim is a ginger Australian comedic musical genius, check him out on 8 out of 10 cats tomorrow night on channel 4 or watch some of these videos:

This leads nicely into my big announcement, as it was the recent resurgence of Minchin in my life that has brought this about.

I am an atheist.

Yes, a lot of you probably knew this before I did myself, but I've always been agnostic and a religious apologist, always feeling slightly less deep or intelligent for not being able to find a higher meaning. But no longer, Tim's songs about religion or his lack of it have really shown me myself, while I shan't be trying to convert others to my way of thinking, I think it'll just be purely ridiculous of me to try to pretend I feel any differently.

So this week's poll is just a general poll really based on this post: what are your religious views? It's a personal thing I know, but just to reassure you, even I honestly don't know who votes for what so, it's all totally anonymous.


Thursday 30 September 2010

A thousand apologies, and the clutches of a cosy chair.

Yes I have not blogged in an age, so big sorries to everyone who logged on regularly to be disappointed. But then I guess this is college life, without exaggerating, I'm so tired nowadays after college I just flop onto some comfy surface at the end of the day and gaze blankly at the wall. It certainly doesn't help I've caught freshers flu either, well freshers cold, though that's nearing its end now.

Anyways, thanks to the grand total of 4 readers who voted in my poll, the majority of which voted for a weekly blog, which I'll now endeavour to keep up, I hoping it'll maybe fill the gaping lonely hole in my life, as college means I barely see anyone for longer than half an hour, and now people find my hugs awkward because I hold on too long purely for the human contact.

Remember ages ago I had the crazy idea of applying to Cambridge, well now I'm at college, the pressure to do well now is mounting, because after saying it, even though it isn't a final decision, people remember, and if you don't get the grades, then frankly you look like you've fallen short and I'd hate that. So, that is this weeks poll topic, what is your opinion on the whole Cambridge idea?


Thursday 16 September 2010

A sad and unfortunate news-filled post today.

I have come to the terrible conclusion that I simply, no longer have the time to do daily blog posts, as I'm doing the equivalent of 5 subjects, which is 25 hours a week, as well as the regular homework I get on top of that. But, I'd hate to do anything without consulting my small but lovely group of readers, so I've come up with a few options for everyone to choose from and vote for in the next poll:

1. Once Weekly posts; meaning you'll get one big dose at least once a week.

2. Whenever is possible; this is a little less predictable, but you'll get more of my obvious wit and charm and in smaller chunks.

3. Whenever I have a point to make; quite frankly if you've grown bored of incessant rambling about what shade of brown my toast was and you'd rather I saved myself up for moments of importance.

4. Your own personal option, leave me a comment on my post about what you think I should do.

Please with sugar lumps on top, vote, because, I'd actually like to know your opinions on my blog, even if you think I'm an awful blogger.


Monday 13 September 2010

A happy and content little girl.

I am very content with my life at the present time. Seriously, despite the days at college actually being much longer than they ever were at school, they are a lot more satisfying and I feel like I'm settling in now. I hope you are all enjoying your college years so far, but I'll keep it extremely short today, because if there's one thing I know is annoying, it is a smug mug blabbing about how perfect their life is. By the by, add your humourous college experiences in the comment and there are also only two days left in the poll to the right.
